Saturday, 30 April 2016




$%Lihat juga bagaimana berjayanya P Ramlee dijatuhkan oleh bangsanya sendiri sehingga tumbang dan tersadai. Tahukah anda, sewaktu hidupnya beliau tidaklah hidup senang seperti artis-artis pada hari ini dan tidak begitu dihargai malah di penghujung hayatnya, beliau telah jatuh miskin, dipulau rakan-rakannya, dijatuhkan, dicaci dan dimalukan serta banyak ditimpa kekecewaan dan kesedihan. Jasa beliau hanya diangkat, dihargai dan dikenang setelah pemergiannya.
P. Ramlee : Genius Yang Tragik
Ketika hidupnya, beliau di hina. Di akhir-akhir hayatnya, beliau di kerasumbangkan. Tidak ada kawan, tidak ada sekutu. Wartawan hampir bersatu menjatuhkannya. Kerajaan gagal menghargai beliau semasa hayatnya. Di tamatkan kontrak oleh EMI, ditamatkan kontrak oleh Shaw Brother, P. Ramlee meniti saat akhir hayatnya dengan penuh kegetiran.
Beliau tidak meminati politik dan plotting. Beliau tidak suka apa-apa taktik kotor dan anything underhand. Beliau juga tidak pernah mengata keburukan sesama seniman. Bagi P.Ramlee hidupnya keseluruhan hidupnya hanya diabadikan kepada kerja-kerja seni sahaja.
Mati dalam kemiskinan, namun khazanah negara melalui filem dan muzik kekal abadi. Negara ini
terhutang budi kepada P.Ramlee. Walaupun gelaran Tan Sri yang dianugerah kepadanya selepas kematian beliau bagaikan sia-sia, saya masih menyokong P.Ramlee di anugerahkan gelaran Tun.
Namun khazanah negara filem-filem karya beliau bukan milik beliau, bukan juga milik Malaysia. Setiap kali kita menonton filem agungnya, Shaw Brother adalah orang yang meraih keuntungan. Filem-filem seperti Pendekar Bujang Lapok, Ibu Mertuaku dan Nujum Pak Belalang merupakan hak cipta Shaw Brother. Shaw Brother yang mengaut keuntungan dengan hasil kreatif P.Ramlee dan Shaw Brother yang sama memusnahkan kerjaya Seniman Agung itu.
Shaw Brother telah berkomplot dan memulakan perang media memburukkan P.Ramlee, menurut sekutu P.Ramlee Datuk H.M. Shah. Hasilnya, beliau dipulaukan, diejek dan diboo oleh bangsanya sendiri. Menurut dokumentari arahan Shuhaimi Baba, P.Ramlee merupakan seorang pengarah pertama Melayu yang menyimpang dari tradisi meniru filem ala India.
Melalui filem seperti Semerah Padi, P.Ramlee meninggalkan langsung budaya bikin filem ala India. P.Ramlee memasukkan unsur-unsur akar umbi budaya dan adat resam Melayu. Malah dalam sebuah temuramah, P.Ramlee menyatakan dengan jitu jika muzik irama Malaysia seperti joget dan
sebagainya tidak diterap ke dada generasi Melayu, lama kelamaan seni warisan nenek moyang ini akan hilang. P.Ramlee memang seorang patriotik dan menyayangi bangsanya Melayu.
Dan Melayu sebahagian besar menolak dan mencemuh karyanya disaat menjelang kematiannya. Cukong seperti Shaw Brothers dengan duit dan pengaruh lebih berkuasa memperkotak-katiknya genius Melayu yang sukar dicari ganti ini.
Menjelang kematian Napoleon Bonaparte, beliau sempat menulis sesuatu yang menggetarkan jiwa saya apabila membacanya. Selepas beliau disahkan mati, seseorang menemui kertas ditangan Maharaja Perancis yang mati dalam buangan di Pulau St. Helena. Ini kata-katanya:
A New Prometheus, I am nailed to a rock to be gnawed by a vulture. Yes, I have stolen the Fire of Heaven, and made a gift of it to mankind. The Fire has returned to its sources, and I am here! The love of glory is like the bridge that Satan built to pass from Chaos across Hell to Paradise; glory link the past and the future across a bottomless abyss. Nothing to my son except my name!
Kata-kata itu lebih tepat untuk ditujukan kepada P.Ramlee. Sebagai pemula sebenar filem Melayu, beliau telah mencuri Api Syurga yang membawa sinar baru kepada bangsa Melayu, tetapi dengan harga yang perlu dibayar. Seperti nasibnya Prometheus dalam mitologi Greek yang mencuri Fire of Heaven dan memberi ilmu kepada mere mortal(manusia biasa), beliau telah dihukum oleh Zeus.
Hukuman bagi Prometheus adalah beliau dipaku kepada batu batan dan akan datang burung hering memakan hatinya. Hatinya akan tumbuh semula untuk kembali dimakan oleh hering. Seperti
Prometheus, menjelang kematiannya, P.Ramlee telah makan hati. Ini tidak disedari oleh bangsanya yang terus-terusan mengejeknya hingga beliau meninggalkan kita untuk selamanya pada 29 Mei 1973.
Ironinya, beliau menjadi abadi selepas itu. Seperti kata Renoir tentang lukisan yang dihasilkan dengan kesakitan kerana beliau cacat:
The pain passes; but the beauty remains.
Al Fatihah buat Tan Sri P Ramlee
Sumber asal:

"Hanya Lelaki NIGERIA sahaja yang tahu TITIK KELEMAHAN WANITA, Lelaki Melayu Tak Tahu" Pengakuan JUJUR wanita ini DEDAH perkara ini buat ramai BUKA MATA.

"Hanya Lelaki NIGERIA sahaja yang tahu TITIK KELEMAHAN WANITA, Lelaki Melayu Tak Tahu" Pengakuan JUJUR wanita ini DEDAH perkara ini buat ramai BUKA MATA.

Suami Ambil Kesempatan Membantu Rakan Karib Isteri Dan Akhir

Suami Ambil Kesempatan Membantu Rakan Karib Isteri Dan Akhir

subhanallah..begini cara yg sebenar kebumikan mayat anak kambing berupa manusia

subhanallah..begini cara yg sebenar kebumikan mayat anak kambing berupa manusia

Gempar! Artis bercerai masih tiduri bekas isteri...

Gempar! Artis bercerai masih tiduri bekas isteri...



TAK SANGKA BEGINI RUPANYA!! ADAKAH INI BALASAN ALLAH?? Korang Pasti Tidak Percaya, Selepas Beberapa Hari Ayah Pin Meninggal Dunia... Ada Sesuatu Yang PELIK Berlaku Pada Tanah Kuburnya!!

TAK SANGKA BEGINI RUPANYA!! ADAKAH INI BALASAN ALLAH?? Korang Pasti Tidak Percaya, Selepas Beberapa Hari Ayah Pin Meninggal Dunia... Ada Sesuatu Yang PELIK Berlaku Pada Tanah Kuburnya!!

Kisah Sedih Isteri Hantar ‘Perjalanan Akhir’ Suami Atas Usungan Ambulans

Kisah Sedih Isteri Hantar ‘Perjalanan Akhir’ Suami Atas Usungan Ambulans

Demi Cinta Pada Isterinya ! Si Suami Tekad Buat Sesuatu Yang Sgt Tak Masuk Akal dan tak Disangka Pada Mayat Isterinya Ini..

Demi Cinta Pada Isterinya ! Si Suami Tekad Buat Sesuatu Yang Sgt Tak Masuk Akal dan tak Disangka Pada Mayat Isterinya Ini..


There are several reasons a person may which to refinance their loan with a mortgage company, however, this is not always the best solution. Customers must take a look at a few important questions to determine if a new loan provides the greatest benefit.
Are You Looking for a Fixed Rate?
Perhaps you signed on for an adjustable rate that has now skyrocketed, causing your monthly payments to rise. In this instance, a refinance is worth it if the fixed rate has a lower interest rate. If the economy is such that interest rates continue to decrease, then your adjustable rate may save you money over time.
Will You Qualify for a Refinance?
Although borrowing money in the past was simple, it has become more difficult. Customers must have excellent credit, solid documentation of income, and proof of savings. A large number of documents will be needed just to apply, so you'll want to talk with your banker ahead of time to see if you have everything you need to qualify. Otherwise, the process may not be worth it.
Do You Have Enough Equity in Your Home?
Another way to get approved for a refinance with your mortgage company is to have at least 20 percent equity in your home. While you still may be able to get the money you need without the 20 percent equity, you'll have to take on the additional expense of private mortgage insurance. With this extra charge, you may discover that you are no better off with the new credit that has been lent to you than if you had just kept your original price.
Are You Aiming to Pay Off Your Mortgage Ahead of Time?
Some couples find themselves in a position to take on a higher mortgage payment. There are two options for using this situation to your advantage and knocking off years from your loan. First, you can simply add extra to your principal each pay period and keep the original agreement with the bank as is. Second, you could reconfigure the agreement so that you pay a larger amount of money each month for a shorter period of time.
Do You Need Cash for Another Endeavor?
Refinancing with your mortgage company is one way to take out some of the equity in your home and use it for another purpose. Perhaps you'd like to start up a new business, add a mother-in-law suite to your current house, or pay for your child's college education. To determine if this move is worth it, take a close look at the returns you'll be getting. Your new business may double your income and your mother-in-law may be able to contribute to the household expenses.
Always take the time to do your homework before making any important financial decisions. Next, make sure your spouse is on board before going all in. Finally, you'll want to read all of the fine print before signing on the dotted line so that you and the banker are in complete agreement as to the terms of your refinance.
When considering a mortgage company, visit First Federal Savings & Loan. Learn more at

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Isteri buat laporan polis, zakar suami terlalu besar untuknya

Isteri buat laporan polis, zakar suami terlalu besar untuknya


Owning your own property comes with many benefits. However, there are times when you may need to tap into the equity you have built up over the years. There are loans you can take out, but those require almost immediate repayment and might not be the best option if you are on a fixed income. Home equity conversion mortgages could be the answer.
Understanding Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
Funded by the Federal Housing Administration, this type of housing loan allows you to tap into your home's value. Depending on the lender you choose, you could get a fixed amount, which you can deposit into your bank account to pay off bills, or you could receive a line of credit to withdraw from over time. Some lenders offer a combination of a lump sum and a line of credit.
The money you gain can be used for anything. Repayment plans are fixed in equal payments as long as at least one borrower continues to use the property as his or her principal residence. If you receive a line of credit instead of a lump sum, you may be able to put off installments for several months.
Basic Guidelines
In order to qualify for home equity conversion mortgages, better known as a reverse mortgages, there are some guidelines you must meet. This type of loan is not just for anyone. You must be at least 62 years or older to begin the process.
In addition to your age, you must be mortgaging a primary residence that you currently occupy. You must also own the property completely or only have a small balance on your current loan.
If you owe any type of federal debt, such as backed federal taxes or student loans, you must be up-to-date on your payments. Any recent delinquency will make you automatically ineligible for the Federal Housing Administration program.
In addition to the basic qualifications, as the recipient, you must participate in consumer information sessions. By working with a counselor, you are certain to understand all the terms and conditions to obtaining the money before anything is distributed.
If you are approved for this loan, you are required to keep hazard insurance on your property. Depending on the area, you may also be required by your lender to keep flood insurance current.
As with any financing, there are some costs that are associated with acquiring home equity conversion mortgages. You can add these costs into the financing, but this will reduce the net amount available to you. You can expect to pay insurance premiums, third party charges, and origination fees. You may also have to pay service fees to process the paperwork and some of the interest.
Over the life of your loan, you will be charged a fee of 1.25 percent of the outstanding balance as part of your mortgage insurance premium. This premium is in place to help guarantee that you receive the advances for which you qualify.
To learn more about your options for home equity conversion mortgages, visit

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